Most people who are abused do not know they have rights. If they are vaguely aware, they do not know for sure what those rights might be. Below is an explanation (abbreviated) of how they came to be and what they are (amended version). In 1948 the United Nations established at least 30 basic human […]
Category Archives: Abuse
RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND ABUSE Racial discrimination is usually noticed in public, workplaces or community settings. But it can exist in a relationship where one partner may be of a different race from the other, and one has an abusive personality. It can be direct, like name calling, or making racially abusive comments about the colour […]
SOCIAL ABUSE Social abuse overlaps with other forms of abuse already mentioned. The woman is isolated from friends and family, and excuses are made for not continuing to socialise with friends, or having an enjoyable night out. Slowly the only relationship she ends up having is with her abusive partner. Her friends and family are […]
Financial abuse A really good way to control a person is with financial abuse, and this can take many forms. In the old days a male would take charge of the family’s finances. Because of his education (whatever level that might have been) he was deemed to know all about money matters. The little woman […]
Sexual abuse is also emotional, and can include withdrawing or denying sexual activity, withdrawing affection or admiration (especially regarding physical attributes and appearance), and this usually results in the other person feeling degraded unwanted, and undesirable. There may be sexual put-downs and jokes at the expense of the other. Having an affair and boasting about […]
NB. When I refer to men being the abusers, this is the case in 80 percent of reported cases. We do not know how many women are abusive, or what goes on behind closed doors. We simply have to accept that all types of abuse exist and that it is extremely prevalent. I have used […]
Actually it can happen very easily. Take a man who still believes that men should be powerful, dominant, and take charge and control things or people. Take a women who also believes this and wants to be taken care of by such a strong male (be masterful darling!). This situation may suit them both at […]
Firstly, what is abuse? Abuse is defined in a family situation as “violent, threatening or other behaviour by a person that coerces or controls a member of the person’s family, or causes the family member to be fearful”. (Commonwealth Family Law Act 1975). Control can also involve deprivation of liberty. Historically, abuse arises from a […]
Well, actually the TV “Social Experiment” show says its “Married at first sight”. It’s a copycat of a show originating from Denmark where “scientifically matched” couples agree to a marriage with a person they see first at the mock wedding (which is not legally binding). However, they are required to spend the first night together […]