Category Archives: Coaching

Habits That Support and Grow Your Personal Power

What are the good habits for personal power and success?  Read on… We all want to be successful in our own way but sometimes we don’t realize that our habits can keep up from achieving success. Unhelpful habits can sneak up on us. It has been said that we are what we eat, and our […]

Why EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) sometimes doesn’t work

You know when you go to the doctor and you are given some pills to take for your condition and you don’t take them for some reason and then your condition doesn’t improve – why?  Surprise! You didn’t follow the advice of your doctor and take the pills.  So how could they work? The same […]

Trust and Confidence Go Hand-in-Hand

If you have had a difficult time trusting yourself, it may be a sign that you lack confidence. You cannot develop any trust without confidence. Feel secure in your abilities and be strong in your convictions. But know when you are wrong as well. The above requires you to develop confidence. That may seem scary […]

8 Things You Can Do to Boost Your Confidence Right Now

Confidence is a funny thing. When we have it, we tend to not think about it. We simply go out and do things. We probably don’t even realize just how amazing some of those things are. But when confidence has taken a sharp blow, suddenly everything becomes more difficult. Even getting started on something so […]

Projecting Confidence – Even if You Don’t Feel It

That old saying, “Fake it ‘til you make it,” has never been more meaningful than when dealing with confidence issues. Confidence is the most important personality trait you can develop to better deal with life’s transitions – both personal and professional – and to take risks to ensure your continued success. Some ways to project […]

Does Multi-Tasking Cause You More Stress?

Does multi-tasking affect your health? It may seem like it is increasing productivity and saving you time and energy, and many women are proud of their multi-tasking abilities. However, ongoing research has confirmed that multi-tasking can have negative effects on levels of productivity and overall brain health in some cases.