Category Archives: Self Esteem

Stop Worrying About What People Think

Do you find yourself constantly doubting your decisions? Are you fretting over other people’s reactions to your actions or opinions? In this post, we’ll share some tips and tricks to help you stop worrying about what people think of you. Learn how to use constructive criticism to your advantage. Then, simply filter out any negative […]

Trust and Confidence Go Hand-in-Hand

If you have had a difficult time trusting yourself, it may be a sign that you lack confidence. You cannot develop any trust without confidence. Feel secure in your abilities and be strong in your convictions. But know when you are wrong as well. The above requires you to develop confidence. That may seem scary […]

8 Things You Can Do to Boost Your Confidence Right Now

Confidence is a funny thing. When we have it, we tend to not think about it. We simply go out and do things. We probably don’t even realize just how amazing some of those things are. But when confidence has taken a sharp blow, suddenly everything becomes more difficult. Even getting started on something so […]

Projecting Confidence – Even if You Don’t Feel It

That old saying, “Fake it ‘til you make it,” has never been more meaningful than when dealing with confidence issues. Confidence is the most important personality trait you can develop to better deal with life’s transitions – both personal and professional – and to take risks to ensure your continued success. Some ways to project […]


Relax! Having this fear may actually be a plus for you. If you are too complacent you may not give your best, try your hardest, produce your best results, and end up failing anyway. However, having this fear all the time is a negative driver which can become very stressful. It is much better to be motivated and confident […]

Why don’t we feel good enough?

It’s amazing how many really beautiful and successful people don’t feel “good enough” or “as good as” someone else. So if they don’t feel good enough what hope have the rest of us ordinary people got?! People don’t feel good enough usually because they are comparing themselves unfavourably with someone else. Then they think “I’m […]