Are you coping with the present strange situation or just getting by? Actually just getting by is coping! That’s all you have to do, is just get by, nothing special, nothing fancy. People often think that they must not show their fears, vulnerabilities or stuff up when anxious, and to do so means that they […]
Category Archives: Stress management
TAKE THE ANXIETY QUIZ Tick the points that apply to you: You feel: Anxious, nervous, tense, and can’t relax a lot of the time Something bad is going to happen Your heart racing and pounding and you think you’re having a heart attack Tight in the chest and short of breath Faint, detached, unreal and […]
People are suffering increasing stress with COVD-19 the longer it goes on, and it appears that it will last for quite a while until a vaccine is hopefully produced.
I didn’t know anything much about meditation until my late 30’s when I went to an open meeting about it in the city where there was a large gathering of interested people. I was surprised to find it was so simple – just following the breathing.
Most people would agree that Christmas is a stressful time for one reason or another. Even the best Christmases will be stressful, and it’s a question whether the stress is dystress or eustress, that is good stress or bad stress.
Surely one strategy for a better life would be to be a better parent? But strangely this concept is not on the radar of many. Parenting just happens. But a new concept for parenting, a new perspective, would be to view yourself as a teacher.
Stress rehearsals are like a mental dress rehearsal for a future event, where you go through your lines with other actors – but in a silent mental way and all by yourself.
When we are working on a project, or towards a goal we may start with a flourish, full of enthusiasm but after some time or some difficulties, or because of bad habits, we begin to fall behind in our progress. For whatever reason, we can fizzle out and lose the plot, or limp along at […]
It pays to be organised, especially if you have a very busy schedule and lots to do. But how you get things done is important, and also whether the end result is satisfactory.
Scientists have discovered something very strange that insomniacs will identify with. If you think you haven’t slept a wink all night, maybe you haven’t! A professor of psychology at a University in Utah USA found that even though people seemed to be asleep, that is, they were in a “sleep pattern”, they could still be […]
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